VetDogThere is no doubt dogs need our help and immunizations are important especially with puppies. Young puppies are somewhat protected by their mother’s milk. If the mother has the antibodies, they will be

VetDogThere is no doubt dogs need our help and immunizations are important especially with puppies. Young puppies are somewhat protected by their mother’s milk. If the mother has the antibodies, they will be passed along to the puppy.

Immunizations are vaccines made up of either weakened or “killed” versions of the bacteria or virus that causes a particular disease. When these altered viruses and bacteria are injected or taken orally, the immune system mounts an attack that stimulates the body to produce antibodies. Any shot given is not a guarantee of immunity, but the stronger a immune system is the better chance to stay healthy.

There is a lot of credible research that says over vaccination can cause many serious conditions, ranging from kidney disease, immune system problems and cancer.

To combat the dangers of over immunizing, many of us are having titer test done instead of our dogs getting shots. A titer pronounced (tie-ter) are blood tests for your dog that will show if the dog is protected with  antibodies. These tests cost more than what a shot would be and can take weeks to get  results. The more people who believe over immunization can be harmful, the more vet’s will make these titer test available, costing less and with faster results. Also, you’ll find that more establishments that require seeing an immunization record will accept these titer verification tests.

If you missed part 1 just click on “more on health and fitness”  I’m sure I’ll be blogging about this subject again


  1. Hello,
    Yes they are, but the more people request them the cheaper they will get. They also can take a few weeks for the results and that takes some pre-planning. Well if we just keep telling our vets to get with the program, maybe someday they will listen. UC Davis is a good place to find out the latest on animal care
    thanks for the comment

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